My name is Jason Weaver and I am a graduate of Altcademy's Full Stack Web Development program.
If you had asked me three years ago, I would have told you I would be an Automotive Technician for the rest of my career. I have always enjoyed cars and understanding the inner workings of mechanisms. However, after over 16 years as a dedicated and hard working employee in the automotive world, I found myself looking for a greater challenge and yearning to learn more.
I have always enjoyed working with computers and initially, this quest for change led me to start taking courses for a PC hardware degree. As part of that coursework, I took an Intro to Programming Logic course. I enjoy the logic and structure of coding and immediately knew that Software Development would be the perfect field for me.
Over the past two years, I have balanced my coursework with my full-time employment. I have completed the full-stack development bootcamp through Altcademy, as well as, supplemental courses through Udemy, SoloLearn, FreeCodeCamp, YouTube, and Wes Bos. Additionally, I have participated in Columbus Ruby Brigade and Front End Columbus.
My specialties include quickly learning new technologies, problem solving, consistently high work ethic and enthusiasm, MVC (Model View Controller) and responsive design principles. So far, I am proficient in HTML, CSS, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, React, CLI, Git, SASS, and jQuery. I am still enthusiastically deepening my knowledge of these languages and working on coding projects.
Jason Weaver
Associates Degree in Software Development • In Progress
Currently attending Columbus State Community College, pursuing a degree in Web Development.
Full Stack Web Development Bootcamp • Graduated Mar 2021
Graduated from Altcademy's online Web Development Program.
Front Office Manager• 2020 - Present
Automotive Technician • 2006 - 2019
Member of Front End Columbus
Member of Columbus Ruby Brigade
This project was created with a Ruby on Rails back end and a React front end. It allows users to upload images to AWS for the property listings, and implements a Stripe payment processor. The app has full CRUD capabilities, you can create an account, create a property, or just book a property that someone else has created. The Stripe account is in test mode, so no 'real' charges can be processed. You can create a fake charge with the card number 4242 4242 4242 4242 coupled with fake numbers for the other inputs. The app is hosted on my free Heroku account, and may take a few minutes to load.
Study Helper is an app that I designed and coded from scratch. I wanted an app that could help me practice some of the knowledge that I was learning through my bootcamp, and decided to create my own. The app uses Ruby on Rails for the backend, and React.JS for the front end. I have the app hosted on my Heroku account, so you will need to give the server a few minutes to wake up.
Feel free to contact me with any questions or comments!